Pelvicachromis Drachenfelsi (3) atp pair

Cichlids - Old World, lot number 63-B-9

Offering an attempted pair of young Kribs. They are just starting to color up and be sexable. Added and extra one just in case.

One of my absolute favorite dwarf cichlids. The female is one of the prettiest kribs with an intense pink and gold coloration with a blueish undertone. They happily sift sand all day at the bottom of the tank keeping things nice and clean. I find they significantly improve the cleanliness of my sand, and my plants, as they eat dead plant matter and pick around at everything all day.

They stay smaller than many kribs, around the 2"ish range and are a great community fish. They will defend territory when spawning, but should just be light chasing away of other bottom-dwelling fish. I've read they are sometimes found in high densities, which makes sense because they seem to be good at living in a colony.

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Seller:nicolas (All lots from nicolas)
Winner: $16 Bidder: 88
Ends:Sept. 8, 2024, 3:55 p.m.Ended
Views:11 views
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