About this site

What is this site?

This is a website to allow clubs and individuals to buy and sell fish, reptiles, amphibians, food cultures, and other pet keeping supplies.

I'm trying to run auctions for my fish club, how do I get started?

Create a test auction here. Make sure to uncheck promote this auction, and set the end date for tomorrow.

If you create an online auction, you'll get a series of emails walking you through exactly what to do. Most people find running an online auction a lot easier than running an in-person one!

How much does it cost to use this site?

It's completely free. Yes, really.

I bought some fish, but they were dead!

This site does not get involved in disputes

There are a couple things you can do here:

  1. You should contact the seller and see if they will make it right. This is a hobby and the vast majority of people are well-meaning and are not in it for the money.
  2. If this was bought as part of a club auction, contact the person running the auction and see if they are willing to help.
  3. You can leave negative feedback for the seller.
  4. Depending on the payment method you used, you may be able to do a chargeback.

If you run a club auction and there's an issue with a lot, you'll find a button to issue a partial or full refund on the lot's page.

Is there anything I can't buy/sell?

Please limit the lots you sell to fish, reptiles, amphibians, food cultures, and related pet keeping supplies.

You cannot buy or sell anything illegal. If you spot someone selling something illegal, please contact us (using the email address at the bottom of this page) and we'll remove the lot in question and ban the user if they continue to submit illegal items.

The only time this has happened, the user did not know the item they were selling was illegal. (Mike is kind of an idiot like that...)

Auction questions

Can I sell stuff without joining a club auction?

Yes: When you create a lot, there's an option to sell this lot independently. This site does not charge any fees for selling. However, remember that clubs bring a huge value to you as a seller:

  1. Clubs do a lot of advertising to help promote their auctions, and will usually bring in more bidders than you'd otherwise see.
  2. Club auction fees are a lot less than shipping costs! Most of the time, the club cut is around $3-4 per lot. You can't ship anything that cheap!
  3. Clubs deal with the paperwork, payments, and customer service. The value of this is huge, because these are a pain-in-the-ass, and by far the worst part of selling fish.
  4. Clubs deal in volume -- if you're selling directly to another person, they will likely only buy a single pair of fish. Club auctions sell to lots of people at once, and can move tens or hundreds of your fish.

Also remember that clubs provide knowledge and community. This hobby would not be what it is today without them!

How do I add a lot to a club auction?

  1. Create an account, or if you have already created an account, sign in
  2. Find the auction here and click on it
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page click the green button to join the auction.
  4. Create a new lot, and fill out the form. Make sure to select Yes, this lot is part of a club auction and choose the auction you just joined. If the auction doesn't show up in the list, you didn't do the steps above, or the auction's lot submission is not open

How do multi-location auctions work?

A club auction that has multiple locations to pick up and drop off lots greatly increases participation. You can read more about how these work here

You can only add multiple locations to an online auction; in-person auctions are limited to a single location.

How do I add people to my in person auction?

There's two ways to do this, you can use both in the same auction with no issues.

The first way: pre-registration:

  1. Have people sign up for an account on this site
  2. Give people a link to your auction, then have them read the rules and click the green "Confirm pickup location" button at the bottom. They'll be added automatically with all their contact info

The second way: manually add them

  1. Go to any of your auction's pages, and click on the users tab
  2. Click Add user, then manually fill out their contact info

Can multiple people help run an in-person auction?

It's often handy to have multiple people helping with sign up or recording bids. Fortunately, it's easy to get help:

  1. Go to any of your auction's pages, and click on the users tab
  2. Find the user, click their name, and check the Grant admin permissions to help run this auction checkbox
  3. The other user will then have access to anything you have in this auction: they can add users, create and edit lots, and view and export invoices.

Note that this is matched by the email address, so it it's not working, there's a pretty good chance that the user you're trying to add isn't using the email address you think they are. They can confirm what email they are using here

How do I add a lot to an in-person auction I created?

Anyone with admin permissions to run the auction can add lots for any user:

  1. In the users tab, search for the users name
  2. Click Add lots

Can I add a video to my lots?

Yes! Upload your video to YouTube, then put the YouTube link the Reference link field when editing your lot. The video will automatically be embedded next to any images you have.

Can I change a bidder number after someone has added lots?

Yes. Any auction admin can change a bidder number when editing the user. Lots that have already been added will still use the old bidder number (needed in case labels have already been printed), but invoicing will still be accurate.

How do I track breeder award program entries?

When adding a lot to a club auction, there's a checkbox for breeder points. (If you don't see it, make sure This is a fish auction is checked.)

This checkbox allows you to track any lots that were home grown in your auction in two ways:

  1. On the lot page, there's a Bred by this user badge so that other users know this was a home-bred fish.
  2. On any CSV files that you export, you'll see whether or not this lot was bred by this user. And on the user CSV, you'll see the total lots bred by this user in your auction. You can import these CSV files into any other systems you use for tracking BAP/BPP programs.

Can I run a hybrid auction (an in-person auction with online bidding)?

No. This just doesn't make sense, as any online bids would only drive up the price before the in-person auction started.

At one point these were allowed, but my club found it very confusing, so the feature has been removed.

Can I restrict selling or bidding to specified users?

Yes - in your auction rules, check Only approved sellers and/or Only approved bidders (note that only approved bidders is not available for in-person auctions, since all bids have to be entered by admins).

You'll then need to manually approve people by clicking on their name in the list of users in your auction. You can also filter your users list to show only people who can't bid or can't sell: type no bid or no sell in your users filter to see these people.


What's proxy bidding?

Proxy bidding is a simple way to avoid needing to place multiple bids on a lot during an auction.

It's simplest to explain with an example:

  1. John bids $2 on a bag of guppies
  2. Anne wants the guppies and knows they are worth $50, so she places a bid for $50. This is called a proxy bid
  3. The high bid is now $3 -- Anne's proxy bid beats John's bid
  4. John bids $10 on the guppies
  5. Anne's proxy bid again beats John's bid, and the new high bid is $11
  6. When the auction ends, Anne wins the guppies for $11
  7. John is despondent and decides to take down his guppy tanks and start keeping only CARES Goodeids instead.

Can you have a countdown for how much time is left?

No. That would encourage people to snipe lots by telling them exactly when to click bid.

The closest thing to a countdown is a Bidding on this lot ends in less than a minute message that appears in the chat one minute before bidding ends.

How do I record bids or mark the winners of lots for an in-person auction?

If you're running an online auciton, you don't need to do anything; users will bid and then the winners will be declared automatically. If you're running an in-person auction, you'll need to manually set the winner and winning price on each lot. Fortunately there's any easy tool for this:

  1. Go to any of your auction's pages, and click More, then on Set Lot Winners
  2. Fill out the form
  3. Repeat step 2 for all lots you want to sell


How do payments work for my club auction?

This site does not handle payments If we did, we'd need to charge a 30% fee, like other sites do.

That said, the site will generate invoices for your auction automatically.

You can easily export a list of these invoices to import into Paypal. Note that only people who owe you money are included in this; you'll need to send money to sellers separately. Some clubs mail a check to sellers to avoid Paypal fees.

You do not need to use this feature -- if you'd prefer to use cash, go right ahead.

While I have better things to do than rat you out to the IRS, you probably do need to charge sales tax in your auctions. This is true whether you use this site or not, don't shoot the messenger. There's an option you can enable for sales tax in the rules.

Can I give members of my club a different split than non-members?

On the users tab, click the user's name, then check the club member checkbox. Make sure you also set up a club member split in the rules!

A seller wants to leave my in-person auction early. How can I make sure their invoice is accurate?

Sometimes you'll have someone who has bought and sold a bunch of stuff, and wants to leave before the auction has ended. To make sure their lots are fully paid for:

  1. Go to any of your auction's pages, and click Users
  2. Search for your user's name, and click Invoice. If the seller does not owe you money, you don't need to do anything right now.
  3. If the seller owes you money, take payment (remember that this site does not directly handle money for you)
  4. Under Adjust this invoice select discount, enter the total they paid, and enter "partial payment before auction ends" as the reason. Leave the invoice in the draft state
  5. Once the auction ends, export this invoice with all the rest and send out their checks

Technical details

Who owns this site?

This site is owned by the Tropical Fish Club of Burlington.

It's completely open source and the Github repo is here

I want to help with the site!

You are welcome to contribute -- by far the best thing you can do is to tell others about the site!

Please also report any issues you find, and make any suggestions that you have.

Here are some examples of great feedback I've gotten from users that's helped make the site better:

  • I want to see images in the list of lots - resulted in the current tile view instead of the list view.
  • Managing payments is really hard - encouraged me to add the Paypal batch invoice export feature
  • I want to be able to search for "vals" or "vallisneria" - was the inspiration for allowing the OR keyword in searches
  • I want to be able to print a list of which lots are being dropped off and picked up at each location - brought about in the lot list CSV file available to the auction creator on the rules page.

If you're tech-savvy, you are welcome to create a pull request for a new feature or a bug fix!

How many users can I have in my club auction?

This site is load-tested regularly, and supports well over 20 requests per second without issue. In practice, this means that 200-300 users can all simultaneously bid, browse lots, etc., without experiencing any slowdowns in your online auctions. The site does start to slow down when more people than that are using it, but for most fish club auctions, this is more than enough.

If you anticipate that you'll need to have more users than this, please reach out and let's discuss it further.

For in-person auctions, there's essentially no limit to the number of users, as only the admins running your auction will actually use the site.

How do recommended lots work?

As you browse the site, the categories you view and bid on are recorded.

Your interest in each category is then calculated (bids are worth 10x what a view is. There's a bit of randomness involved, too, just to keep things interesting). Finally, lots you haven't viewed are shown to you.

Of course, this only happens if you sort the lot list by recommended, or are viewing a single lot. If you're viewing a lot from an auction, only other lots from that auction will be shown.

We never sell data on your interests or do anything with them other than give you recommended lots.

How exactly do dynamic endings work?

Bids placed in the last 15 minutes before bidding ends will extend the end time.

  • The end time is set to 15 minutes after the bid is placed. This (in theory) gives you enough time to check your email, see that you've been outbid, and up your bid
  • Certain actions will not extend the end time:
    • Increasing your proxy bid
    • Using buy now (because bidding ends immediately, duh!)
    • Placing a bid on a lot that no one else has bid on
  • Lots that are part of an auction have a hard cutoff time of 1 hour after the auction ends - the end time won't be extended past this time!

Can I run an auction without people knowing that I'm using auction.fish?

Online auctions require users to have an account on this site, so this isn't possible with online auctions. But, with in-person auctions:

  1. Create an in-person auction
  2. Add your users manually
  3. In the auction rules, uncheck promote this auction and uncheck Invoice notifications
  4. When printing labels, cut off the QR code, or print on Thermal 3x2 labels (which don't have a QR code)
  5. That's all! Users won't get any email notifications about your auction if you follow these steps.

What emails get sent to users in my auction?

If someone joins your in-person auction through this website, they will get:

  • A welcome email as soon as they joining confirming the date/time. This email also has a Google Maps link with directions to your auction.
  • If they add lots, they get a reminder to print labels a day before the auction starts
  • After the auction ends and you mark their invoice as ready or paid, they will get an email with a link to view their invoice.

If you manually add someone to your in-person auction, they will only get the email with a view invoice link.

You can control whether or not invoice emails are sent by checking or unchecking Invoice Notifications in your auction's rules.

A promotion email is sent reminding people to join your auction when:

  • They have an account on this site
  • They have viewed your auction or some of the lots in your auction
  • They have not joined your auction
  • Your auction is close to them

If a user replies to any of these emails, you (the auction creator) will get the reply.

How does email address verification work?

When viewing the list of users in your auction, you'll see that some of them have a little envelope next to their names.

  • If there's no envelope, it means the email address hasn't been validated yet
  • If the envelope is white, it means their email address is valid. This happens if they join through this website, or if they have viewed their invoice.
  • If the envelope is red, it means the email is not valid (emails to that address have bounced in the past).

Note that invalid email addresses are only detected when sending the invoice notification email. This means that if their email is invalid, they won't have a way to view their invoice. But, when you add these people to your next auction, you'll see the red envelope next to their name as a reminder to get their correct email address.

Why isn't the email address validated immediately? Validating an email address requires sending an email, and users find it annoying to get extra emails. The system as it works right now is a good balance: users get only a single, useful, email with their invoice, and you can catch invalid emails in the next auction.

Still got questions? Email me: (Sign in to see email)
Website copyright 2020-2024 Tropical Fish Club of Burlington. A free and open source project.