The HAAS 2025 February Plant Auction
An in-person auction, created by kcmikey
- You cannot sell anything banned by state law.
- All lots must be properly bagged. No leaking bags!
- You do not need to be a club member to buy or sell lots. Members get a 75% cut of sales, non-members get a 60% cut of sales.
- Auction starts at 12:30 PM on Saturday, Feb 8, 2025.
- See Mike ASAP for any questions about entering items to sell limit of 5 Plant based items.
- Contact Mike at 913-568-4014 if you have any trouble getting items into the auction.
The following rules will be automatically enforced by this site:
- This is an in-person auction
- You can submit lots starting Jan. 22, 2025, 1:30 p.m.
- You can submit up to 5 lots. Additional lots accepted only as a donation.
- You will be charged 40% of the winning price per lot you sell
Please spread the word about this auction -- every like and share helps the club bring in new sellers and bidders!