1. The auction will be open to the public. Cichlids, non-cichlids, dry goods, and plants are welcome.
2.. A bidder number can be obtained at the registration table.
3. The HCCC will not be held responsible for any loss, damage, theft, or injury to any auction item before, during, or after the auction.
4. Once they are registered, all for-sale items become part of the HCCC auction and cannot be withdrawn from the auction. If items do not sell, they will be returned to the seller (see Rule 8(E)(I), below). If a seller removes any items from the tables, that seller may be asked to turn in their card and may be banned from future auctions.
5. The auction split is 25% of the winning bid will go the HCCC. The other 75% will go to the seller.
6. The auctioneer has the final word on all bids. Auction rules will be strictly enforced.
7. Priority colored dots will be issued to each seller at auction registration. Place one dot on each item for sale. At the beginning of the auction, one color will be drawn at random. The items with that color dot will be sold first. After all the items with that color dot are sold, another color will be drawn. This will continue until all items are sold. If there is an item that you want to bid on that has a color dot other than the current color dot, you can have that item moved up and auctioned for a $2.00 fee one hour after the start of the auction. This does not guarantee that you'll win the bidding, just that you'll have a chance to bid on the item.
B. Acceptable auction combinations include: Adult/Sub-adult Singles; Pair (Male and Female of the same species and variant); Trio (1 Male and 2 Females of the same species and variant); Reverse Trio (2 Males and 1 Female of the same species and variant); Mated Pair, Proven Pair, or Breeding Pair (2 fish of the same species and variant, that have successfully produced fry with each other); Colony (2 or more adult males and 2 or more adult females of the same species and variant); Juvenile (4 or more juveniles of the same species and variant); Fry (6 or more fry of the same species and variant).
C. No Hybrids, other than Discus and Angels will be accepted. The Auction Committee will inspect all bags of fish sold. The Auction Chairperson has final determination on whether a bag of fish or an item can be sold.
D. Each seller is allowed to sell 40 bags of fish, with a maximum of five (5) bags of any one species or color strain. Sellers will be charged an additional $5.00 for each additional 40 bags of fish.
E. Each bag must be labeled with the following information: Seller ID, Species of Fish, Number of Fish, Description (if necessary), and a unique bag number.
I. The seller ID will consist of at least 3 initials of the sellers name. In the event of a duplicate, an alternate ID will be assigned.
II. If you're selling 10 items, your items should be numbered 1-10. The information must be legible--use black lettering directly on the item or lettering on a white label on the item. Make sure you use permanent markers that won't run or smear when they get wet.
III. Examples of how your lettering/labels should read on a bag of fish:

JLW #1
Altolamprologus calvus
“Zaire Black” F1
Breeding Pair

JLW #2
Pseudotropheus saulosi
Qty: 6 unsexed

JLW #3
Pundamilia nyererei
Makobe Island
F. Items that are not fish, must be labeled with the seller ID and item #. If the item contents are not obvious, a description must be on the label. Any used item must have the estimated age and condition of the item on the label.
G. All fish should be in double inverted bagged or be in 3 mil (minimum) bags. Adult males and females should be separately bagged. HCCC reserves the right to determine if bagging is acceptable. There will be a $2.00 charge to the seller for any fish that need to be rebagged.
H. The seller may designate any submission as a 100% donation of the proceeds to HCCC. All 100% donations are exempt from rules 8b (acceptable combinations) and 8c (size requirements)
I. Every effort will be made to make payments to sellers at the auction. Please make arrangements for payment to be settled prior to leaving the auction. Some types of payments such as PayPal may incur an additional fee.
J. Sellers wishing to post a minimum bid on any item must indicate this at registration. The amount of the minimum bid must be included on the label. If the item does not sell, there will be a $2 processing fee that will be collected before the item is returned to the seller.
K. Non-fish items, whenever possible, should be bagged to prevent water damage.
A. Know what you are bidding on. All items are available for inspection prior to the auction. Take the time to examine each item so you positively know what it is BEFORE you bid.
B. Payment for auction items may be in cash or credit cards. Payments by Apple Pay, google pay, and PayPal are also available, and some transactions such as PayPal mayincur additional fees.
C. Each bidder must register and be assigned their own bidder number. HCCC will not split items sold under one bidder number between multiple bidders at checkout time. Each bidder is responsible for EVERYTHING bought with their bidder number.
D. When an item is sold, the runner will bring the item to the buyer.
E. No one will be allowed to leave the facility without items indicating that they have been paid for.