Iriatherina werneri eggs

Rainbowfish, lot number 333-2
Bred by this user

This lot is for Iriatherina werneri eggs. My breeding group of 3 males and 6 females have been spawning daily. They are mop spawners. I'll collect eggs on the day before pickup and the morning of auction pickup. I expect there will be 50+ eggs, likely more. Threadfin Rainbowfish fry are very small fish with an even smaller mouth. I feed them vinegar eels and infusoria for the first few weeks before they are large enough to take BBS. The parents came from several different local fish stores. I keep the breeding group with Neocaridina and Amano shrimp without issues.

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Seller:Kenb (All lots from Kenb)
Winner: $36 Retired1
Ends:Jan. 24, 2024, 9:03 p.m.Ended
Views:32 views, 4 watching
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