(6) Daisy Blue Rice Fish

Characins - Tetras, Pencilfish, Hatchetfish, lot number 682-18
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(6) Daisy Blue Rice Fish

The Daisy’s Blue Ricefish (Oryzias woworae),, is an exceptional fish species that is perfect for the nano aquarium due to its very small size, vivid coloration, and adaptability. This schooling fish can be the highlight in any peaceful community aquarium and it is a particular standout in the planted aquarium. There seems to be some debate as to whether it should be considered part of the killifish family since it behaves and breeds similarly, but is not closely related to most other killifish. This mostly subtropical fish can freely inhabit all salinities of water, from freshwater to fully marine water.

The Daisy’s Blue Ricefish typically occupies the middle and top level of the water column. It is safe with other peaceful, small fish. Due to its small size, it can be viewed as similar to microrasboras and blue-eye rainbowfish as far as its compatibility with dwarf shrimp. Larger, peaceful invertebrates can also make good tankmates. When keeping the Daisy’s Blue Ricefish with dwarf shrimp, plenty of plants and cover are recommended. It is also best to introduce the dwarf shrimp to the aquarium before introducing the Daisy’s Blue Ricefish.

The Daisy’s Blue Ricefish must be kept in schools of 6 or more. Not only will it display its best natural behavior and coloration in large schools, but it will also pay little attention to other species. This tank-raised fish is very hardy and adaptable, but it requires clean, well-maintained water to thrive and it will display optimal coloration and health in a planted aquarium with dark substrate, especially where floating plants are present. As long as it has plenty of cover, it is an extremely outgoing species. It is very easy to breed in the aquarium. It has the ability to jump, so a secure aquarium lid is necessary.

While not a picky eater, the Daisy’s Blue Ricefish will thrive and remain very colorful on a varied diet of mostly omnivorous foods. High-quality flake food, pellets, and live, frozen, or freeze-dried Artemia, microworms, Tubifex, and finely chopped bloodworms will all be readily accepted. However, the Daisy’s Blue Ricefish also requires some vegetable matter in its diet. It will not bother aquarium plants.

Common Name – Blue Ricefish
Origin – Japan
Diet – carnivorous
PH Range – 6.5 – 9
Temperature – Tropical 26°c – 28°c
Breed Type – Egg Layer
Maximum Size – approximately 4cm
Sex – Un-sexed
More information from google.com
Seller:TMAquatics (All lots from TMAquatics)
Minimum bid: $5
Ends:Ends when sold
Views:8 views, 2 watching
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