Bumblebee goby, Brachygobius sabanus

Misc and oddball fish, lot number 113-1
Bred by this user

This lot is for five or six 1/2" fry of this small, peaceful goby species. The adults are around 1" long. I'm fairly confident, but not 100%, about the species ID.

Unlike many bumblebee gobies this species does fine in pure freshwater. I've been keeping adults and fry in 300ppm tds water and they're growing and happy. I've also kept them in brackish water for many months; they did well in the brackish water but didn't start spawning until I transitioned them to freshwater. Adults are eating frozen food and small sinking pellets; the fry for sale are mostly eating moina and baby brine shrimp but are just now big enough to also eat frozen adult brine shrimp and small bloodworms.

This is not exactly a schooling species, but I haven't seen any aggression among the adults except when a male is sitting on eggs; in that case the other gobies stayed clear of the cave but I never witnessed any injury. Fry are extremely tiny and would probably do best on rotifers; I was able to raise a handful feeding small, sieved moina.

More information from seriouslyfish.com
Seller:andrew5 (All lots from andrew5)
Winner: $11 Shrestsujan
Ends:Nov. 15, 2023, 11 p.m.Ended
Views:25 views, 2 watching
Bidding has ended on this lot

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