Cyprinids - Barbs, Danios, Rasboras, lot number 131-7
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You are bidding on a lot of 10 unsexed juvenile Celestial Pearl Danio's also known as Galaxy Rasboras. This is an adorable nano fish that looks like miniature brook trout. They boast vibrant red and blue coloring with golden spots scattered on their bodies. CPD's should be kept in groups of 6 to 10 as they are a schooling fish.

More information from aquariumcoop.com
Seller:Tina.Eastin (All lots from Tina.Eastin)
Winner: $47 donna4
Ends:Nov. 15, 2023, 11:32 p.m.Ended
Views:52 views, 13 watching
Bidding has ended on this lot

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