Super Red Dalmatian Bushy Nose - TRIO

Plecostomus, lot number 642-8
Bred by this user

Super Red Dalmatian Ancist. 3 young adults (M/F/F) ~3 inches long. Great color and eating well. The Dalmatian or Marble are a Super Red / Brown cross with vary random coloration patterns. Very peaceful they like lots of hiding places. The male needs a cave for spawning, he will guard the eggs and young for a while after they hatch. Max size is about 5”, easy to tell males from females because the male has the long "bristles" on his face..

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Seller:mwwood (All lots from mwwood)
Winner: $16 [email protected]
Ends:Nov. 15, 2023, 11:03 p.m.Ended
Views:15 views, 2 watching
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