Julidochromis marksmithi

Cichlids - Rift Lake, lot number 703-2
Bred by this user

Scientific Name: Julidochromis marksmithi Common Name: Donation for Specialization points Number in Bag: 4+ Size of Fish in Bag: about an inch Max Size: 3 inches, slightly bigger for females Spawning Conditions: pH: 8.0 GH: 300ppm KH: 80ppm Temperature: 76 F Frequent small, cool, water changes and plenty of small foods available will induce a spawn. Social Behavior: Semi-Aggressive Region of Origin: Lake Tanganyika, Africa Tank Raised/Wild: Tank Raised, parents purchased from previous MAS auction. Diet: BBS, flakes, pellets
Compatibility: Best in species only setup. Tanganyikan community is achievable in a big enough tank but will limit fry production. Do not mix Julie species. Breeding Habitat: Cave Spawner Brood Style: Egg layer Clutch Size: sequential 30+ at a time usually over a 4–6-week period resulting in variety of fry sizes in one nest. Mortality is high due to food competition. Over feeding will combat this marginally
Incubation Time: 2-3 days Sexual Maturity: 1 inch in size Sexual Dimorphism: Adult females are larger in most cases. Life Expectancy: 8 years Reference: https://aquaristsacrosscanada.com/products/julidochromis-marksmithi-kipili Photo is stock from the internet

More information from aquaristsacrosscanada.com
Seller: A donation from ryan1 (All lots from ryan1)
Winner: $12 Seirfmike
Ends:Nov. 15, 2023, 11 p.m.Ended
Views:23 views, 1 watching
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