Zoogoneticus tequila

Livebearers, lot number 703-3
Bred by this user

Scientific Name: Zoogoneticus tequila. Common Name: Tequila splitfin. Number in Bag: 6+. Size of Fish in Bag: Fry about half an inch. BAP fish. I have kept the adult group of 5 for almost 2 years. I assumed they were too old to spawn since they are known to mate young and “dry” up before truly adults. I wrote them off and put them out to pasture in the tubs for the summer and surprisingly I have 2 dozen fry after shut down. Very hardy and a great cool water fish. Part of the CARES program and extinct in the wild.

More information from goodeidworkinggroup.com
Seller:ryan1 (All lots from ryan1)
Winner: $21 wngvang23
Ends:Nov. 15, 2023, 11 p.m.Ended
Views:39 views, 5 watching
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