1 Bag of Coon Tail Hornwort

Aquatic plants, lot number 951-5


You are bidding on 1 bag of Coontail Hornwort (Ceratophyllum Demersu). About a little more than a handful that is packed in a 6 x 12" size bag. It is considered to be one of the best low maintence aquarium plants. Great for breeding fish (egg scatters or livebearers), shrimps love hanging out in the hornwort too. Great plant to use up the excess nutrients in the tank and compete with algae. It is a floating plant.

Thanks, Tong@Tong's Fish Room

More information from fishlab.com
Seller:Tong@TongsFishRoom (All lots from Tong@TongsFishRoom)
Winner: $12 archie
Ends:April 24, 2024, 9:13 p.m.Ended
Views:15 views, 1 watching
Bidding has ended on this lot

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