2 pair killies - Fundulopanchax gardneri

Killifish, lot number 136-9

Two young pair:these are juvies, only about an inch long, but the two males are already coloring up. These are the nigerianus subspecies of gardneri, from a collection near a town called Misaje in Cameroon. Gardneri are wall to wall color and are not annuals, so you can enjoy them for 3 or 4 years. Very prolific if you want to breed them and even though they are not annuals, their eggs can be "dried" for a long period and still hatch when wetted.

More information from tfhmagazine.com
Seller:interstition (All lots from interstition)
Winner: $31 tim1
Ends:July 17, 2024, 10 p.m.Ended
Views:45 views, 8 watching
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