Trichopsis schalleri breeding group

Bettas and labyrinth fish, lot number 278-4

This a small, rarely imported gourami from the same genus as sparkling and croaking gouramis. They are sometimes sold as 'giant sparkling gourami' but they're only giant relative to regular sparkling gouramis; my largest male is well under 2".

I suspect that this is a group of four males and one female but there may be more females in there; I haven't spotlit them to check. I know for sure there's a fertile pair in there because they've spawned several times and I have a tankful of fry. They spawned like other miniature gouramis, building a bubble nest in a submerged cave.

The group is in an 8-gallon (20") tank, and I wouldn't put them in a smaller space because the males are already a bit scrappy.

The fish are in a blackwater tank right now (hence the bad colors in the photo) but do not require blackwater.

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Seller:andrew5 (All lots from andrew5)
Winner: $31 JPyrz
Ends:July 17, 2024, 10 p.m.Ended
Views:37 views, 3 watching
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