Neon Pothos Cuttings

Aquatic plants, lot number 853-3

Hello! You're bidding on cuttings with leaves from my Neon Pothos (Epipremnum Pinnatum) plants. Each lot or bag typically includes 2-3 cuttings with leaves and roots, providing a more quantity compared to online vendors.

This pothos variety showcases bright yellow-green leaves and is prized for its easy maintenance. It flourishes in bright indirect light and appreciates some humidity.

Wondering about Pothos? Also known as Epipremnum aureum or "devil’s ivy," Pothos is a beloved houseplant cherished for its incredible resilience. It can thrive even in low-light conditions and is commonly found in aquariums, hydroponic systems, and bioactive terrariums.

Pothos plants are semi-aquatic, with only their roots submerged underwater while the top and leaves grow above the water. Therefore, they need to be hung on the side of tanks, where they can trail their roots into the water.

Notably, Pothos plants are beneficial in aquariums as they help remove nitrates from the water, contributing to a healthier aquatic environment. While toxic to cats and dogs if ingested, there are no known reports of them causing harm to aquarium fish.

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Seller:Tong@TongsFishRoom (All lots from Tong@TongsFishRoom)
Winner: $5 celeste
Ends:July 17, 2024, 10 p.m.Ended
Views:12 views
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