Hybrid Blue Albino Delta GUPPIES

Livebearers, lot number 620-3
Bred by this user

Minimum 2 Trios (4F 2M). These are fish that are carrying the gene for albinism. Their mother was a homozygote albino. Most of the fish being sold will be heterozygotes and will need to be bred with each other to produce some pink eyed albinos (homozygotes). Their ancestry comes from a red tailed albino female and a blue/green moscow. Red is extremely dominant in guppies so I have been patiently trying to get to the blue tailed progeny. If you breed these fish to each other you will produce some homozygote (pinkeyed albinos). Fish will be chosen for good deportment and the rest is up to you. My fish receive excellent care and you can be certain you will be receiving healthy vigorous fish

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Seller:bruce9 (All lots from bruce9)
Winner: $6 berk44shire
Ends:Sept. 20, 2023, 11 p.m.Ended
Views:14 views, 2 watching
Bidding has ended on this lot

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