Yellow Cobra Delta GUPPIES

Livebearers, lot number 620-4
Bred by this user

These are some very nice Yellow Cobra Guppies. Minimum Two trios (4F, 2M). These guppies will occasionally throw some yellow tailed males with no cobra body pattern. They are very prolific. This guppy strains is a pure bred. I have been breeding high quality guppies for decades. They are my favorite fish. These fish receive quite a varied diet of live, frozen, and flake food. Fish will be chosen for good deportment

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Seller:bruce9 (All lots from bruce9)
Winner: $18 berk44shire
Ends:Sept. 20, 2023, 11:05 p.m.Ended
Views:13 views, 3 watching
Bidding has ended on this lot

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