The Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society - Spring Auction 2025
An in-person auction, created by madliketheriver
General information
This is an in-person auction in Chicopee, MA hosted by the Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society
Sellers are encouraged to pre-register lots to help promote what you are selling and get the benefit of a 70/30 split.
- You cannot sell anything banned by state law.
- All lots must be properly bagged. No leaking bags!
- You do not need to be a club member to buy or sell lots.
- You may enter up to 20 lots. Additional lots will be treated as donations.
- There is a lot fee of $2 for all lots.
- Minimum bid is $3 on all lots. Any lot that does not exceded this minimum bid will be treated as a donation.
- Sellers will get 60% of winning bid sales, 70% if lots are pre-registered
- Bumps to move desired lots immediately to the auction table are $2 per bump
The following rules will be automatically enforced by this site:
- This is an in-person auction
- You can submit lots starting Feb. 14, 2025, 8 a.m.
- You can submit lots until Feb. 23, 2025, 9:30 a.m.
- You can submit up to 20 lots. Additional lots accepted only as a donation.
- For lots you pre-register on, you will be charged $2 plus 30% of the winning price per lot you sell
- For lots registered by auction staff on site, you will be charged $2 plus 40% of the winning price per lot you sell
- If your lot sells for $3 or less, it will be considered a donation to the club
- There will be a minimum bid of $3 on all lots
Please spread the word about this auction -- every like and share helps the club bring in new sellers and bidders!