Golden pothos

Terrestrial plants, lot number 819-17
Bred by this user

You'll get a 10+ leaf cutting of the rare and incredible golden pothos. Apart from the variegated pattern on the leaves, this is identical to regular pothos. It is probably the easiest plant to grow, and it's a fantastic plant in the fish hobby because it can grow with its roots fully submersed.

Put a cutting with a node (the base of a leaf) in the water of your tank, or in the hang-on-back filter, and it'll root and grow in no time, removing nitrate and phosphate from your water and keeping it clean for your fish to be happy!

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Seller: A donation from Ira (All lots from Ira)
Winner: $13 Littlefin
Ends:May 12, 2022, 10 p.m.Ended
Location:University mall, South Burlington, VT
Views:25 views, 2 watching
Bidding has ended on this lot

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