Pineapple Swordtails (Xiphophorus sp.)

Livebearers, lot number 955-4
Bred by this user

This is a pet store strain of Pineapple swordtails that was bought as a test and kept because they're a great strain. They've always been super healthy and robust for me and in the two years of keeping them only one has died. That was a small male who I suspect was just bullied.

Lot is for at least six young adult fish, likely with extas depending on what swims into the net. If you want more, just ask. There aren't a lot of dominant males with huge swords in the tank but I suspect there are a lot of sneakers and the females will of course be pregnant.

You can see a video of these fish with the link below. The picture is more accurate color-wise than the video but the video has some adult males so you can see their tails.

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Seller:jbosmith (All lots from jbosmith)
Winner: $16 Bev
Ends:March 12, 2021, 7 p.m.Ended
Location:University mall, South Burlington, VT
Views:51 views, 4 watching
Bidding has ended on this lot

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