The ACM August Meeting auction

An in-person auction, created by ACM
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View The ACM August Meeting auction rules
Lot 0-42
Aqua Miracle Submersible Water Pump

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 0-41
Cunningham Tropicals Earthworm Pellets

Flake and pellet food

Lot 1-40
Utricularia Gibba

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-39
Fancy Guppies


Lot 1-38
Peppered Cory


Lot 1-37
Coleus Variety

Terrestrial plants

Lot 1-36
Coleus Variety

Terrestrial plants

Lot 1-35
Canna Tenerife

Terrestrial plants

Lot 1-34
Bacopa Carolinians Red

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-33
Ludwigia Broadleaf

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-32
Rare!!!!! Murdannia Keisak

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-31
Rotala Indica

Aquatic plants

Lot 0-40

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 1-30
Extremely Rare!!!!Valisineria Triptera

Aquatic plants

Lot 0-39
Box of rocks

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 2-1
Small acrylic tank

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 1-29
Rare!!!! Persicaria São Paulo

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-28
Alternanthera Reinecki

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-27
Rotala H’ra

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-26
Ball Air plant

Terrestrial plants

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