The ACM August Meeting auction

An in-person auction, created by ACM
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View The ACM August Meeting auction rules
Lot 1-25
Rotala Wallichii

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-24
Neoregelia 'Bossa Nova' (Bromeliad)

Terrestrial plants

Lot 1-23
Bulltongue arrowhead

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-22
Billbergia Bromeliad hybrid

Terrestrial plants

Lot 1-21
Blyxa japonica var. novoguineensis

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-20
Blue dream shrimp


Lot 1-19
Jungle Val

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-17
Ludwigia palustris “super red mini”

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-16
Vallisneria “ lake Tanganyika”

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-15
Hygrophilia “Augustifolia”

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-14
Hydrophilia corymbosa ‘Compact’

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-13
Bacopa “Salzmannii Purple”

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-12
Hornwort rigid (Ceratophyllum demersum)

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-11
Flame Moss

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-10

Aquatic plants

Lot 0-38 2
Althernanthera reineckii ’Rosanervig’

Aquatic plants

Lot 1-8
Rotala indica

Aquatic plants

Lot 31-4


Lot 31-3
SF Bristlenose Pleco


Lot 31-2
LF Bristlenose Pleco


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