The ACM December auction

An in-person auction, created by ACM

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Lot 182-3
Wave maker

Lot 182-2
Wave maker

Lot 244-5
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Gold Form

Lot 244-4
Assorted Floaters

Lot 182-1
Gold Mystery snails

Lot 596-6
Epiplatys zenkeri (2 males)

Lot 596-5
Long Fin White Clouds (6 fish)

Lot 596-4
Daphnia Magna (Portion)

Lot 596-3
Vinegar eels culture

Lot 596-2
Walter Worms culture

Lot 596-1
Jungle Val (6+ Starter Plants)

Lot 1-38
Peanut beetles

Lot 1-37
Rice flour beetle culture

Lot 37-2
Tiger Valisneria

Lot 1-36
Mosquito fish

Lot 1-35
Banana worms

Lot 37-1
Tiger Valisneria

Lot 93-8
Violet Mosaic guppy trio

Lot 999-34
Vinegar eel culture

Lot 3-8
Large fake plant
