The ACM February Auction

An in-person auction, created by ACM

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Lot 54-2
Jungle Val (Vallisneria americana)

Lot 54-1
Fringed Heartwort (Ricciocarpos natans)

Lot 21-2
Pleco Cave

Lot 63-B-12
20 - Neocardinia Culls/Wilds

Lot 63-B-11
7 - Blue Neocardinia Shrimp

Lot 63-B-10
50+ Ramshorn Snails

Lot 63-B-9
10 - Aquatic Isopods (Asellus Aquaticus)

Lot 63-B-8
6 - Red Neocardinia Shrimp

Lot 63-B-7
8 - Yellow Neocardinia Shrimp

Lot 63-B-6
14 - Yellow Neocardinia Shrimp

Lot 63-B-5
6 - Aquatic Isopods (Asellus Aquaticus)

Lot 63-B-4
5 - Purple Mystery Snail

Lot 63-B-3
5 - Magenta Mystery Snail

Lot 63-B-2
2 - Purple Mystery Snail

Lot 63-B-1
2 - Magenta Mystery Snail

Lot 31-1

Lot 0-102
Stringy moss (Leptodictyum riparium)

Lot 0-101
Christmas moss tissue cup

Lot 0-100
Alternators reineckii ’mini’

Lot 0-99
Rotifer culture
