The ACM September Meeting auction

An in-person auction, created by ACM
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View The ACM September Meeting auction rules
Lot 43-2
Japanese Blue Endlers 3pairs


Lot 43-1
Frog Bit

Aquatic plants

Lot 6-6

Aquatic plants

Lot 6-5
Dwarf Blue Crayfish- Cambrellus Texanus

Aquatic plants

Lot 6-4
Dwarf Blue Crayfish- Cambrellus Texanus

Aquatic plants

Lot 6-3
Ludwigia and Subwassertang

Aquatic plants

Lot 6-2
Riccia Fluitans - Crystalwort

Aquatic plants

Lot 6-1
Riccia Fluitans - Crystalwort

Aquatic plants

Lot 2-7

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 2-6
Lids & lights for 55 gallon

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 2-5
Tank decorations

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 63-B-19
Bristlenose Pleco


Lot 2-4
Plastic log hide

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 2-3
Marineland hob filter

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 2-2
55 gallon metal stand

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 2-1
55 gallon tank - broken brace

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 13-8
Yellow Sunrise Snakeskin Guppies


Lot 13-7
Breeding Pair: Xiphophorus Milleri


Lot 13-6
Breeding Group: Liberty Mollies


Lot 13-5
Breeding Trio: Limia Vittata


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