The OVAS auction

An in-person auction, created by L_Scottgoldie
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Lot 750-9
3 Glowlight Tetras

Characins - Tetras, Pencilfish, Hatchetfish

Lot 750-8
1 Super Red Albino Cherry Barbs


Lot 750-7
5 Asst'd Platies


Lot 750-5
6 White Clouds

Cyprinids - Barbs, Danios, Rasboras

Lot 750-4
6 White Clouds

Cyprinids - Barbs, Danios, Rasboras

Lot 750-3
6 Gold White Clouds

Cyprinids - Barbs, Danios, Rasboras

Lot 750-2
Carib Sea Gravel

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 750-1
Carib Sea Gravel

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 713-11
Handmade Mermaid Doll (Bowl Show)

Aquatic plants

Lot 999-24
Purple and White mini Iris

Aquatic plants

Lot 999-23
Bee Balm


Lot 60-12
Mel. Bosemani


Lot 60-11
Blue Shrimp


Lot 60-10
Xiph. Evelynae


Lot 60-9
Albino Ancistras


Lot 60-8
Albino Ancistras


Lot 60-7
Dwarf Hoppilos

Aquatic plants

Lot 60-6
Gold Rams

Cichlids - South American

Lot 60-5
German Blue Rams

Cichlids - Rift Lake

Lot 60-4
Albino Corys


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