The SCAS auction August 2024

An in-person auction, created by SCAS
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View The SCAS auction August 2024 rules
Lot 91-9
Green water and scuds


Lot 91-8
Red tiger lotus

Aquatic plants

Lot 91-7
Jungle Val

Aquatic plants

Lot 91-6
Corkscrew Val

Aquatic plants

Lot 91-5
Golden pothos

Terrestrial plants

Lot 91-4
Marble queen Pothos

Cichlids - South American

Lot 91-3
Synagonium Green Freckles


Lot 91-2
P-nut Beatle starter

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 91-1
P-nut Beatle starter

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 44-10
44-10 Platinum Madaka Rice Fish

Cichlids - South American

Lot 44-9
44-9 Albino Corys (4)


Lot 44-8
44-8 Snowball Neo Shrimp (10)


Lot 44-7
44-7 Snowball Neo Shrimp (10)


Lot 44-6
44-6 Red Neo Shrimp (10)


Lot 44-5
44-5 Red Neo Shrimp (10)


Lot 44-4
44-4 Dwarf Neon Praecox (3)

Aquatic plants

Lot 44-3
44-3 Dwarf Neon Praecox (3)

Aquatic plants

Lot 44-2
44-2 Kiura Goldiei Rainbowfish (4)


Lot 44-1
44-1 Kiura Goldiei Rainbowfish (4)


Lot 115-5
Hydrophilic araguaia

Aquatic plants

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