The SCAS Tropical Splash! auction

An in-person auction, created by SCAS
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Lot 32-7
Lomariopsis lineata

Aquatic plants

Lot 32-6
Phyllanthus fluitans

Aquatic plants

Lot 32-5
Phyllanthus fluitans

Aquatic plants

Lot 32-4
Phyllanthus fluitans

Aquatic plants

Lot 32-3
Limnobium spongia

Aquatic plants

Lot 32-2
Limnobium spongia

Aquatic plants

Lot 32-1
Limnobium spongia

Aquatic plants

Lot 78-8
78-8 Rotala Rundifolia

Aquatic plants

Lot 78-7
78-7 Rotala Rundifolia

Aquatic plants

Lot 78-6
78-6 Peanut Beatle Starter Culture

Live food cultures

Lot 1005-9
Albino Ancistrus


Lot 1005-8
Juvi Exochromis anagenys

Cichlids - Rift Lake

Lot 1005-7
Juvi Blue Pinoy Angelfish

Cichlids - South American

Lot 1005-6
Juvi Honduran Red Points

Cichlids - Central American

Lot 1005-5
2.5" Golden Nigrita Synodintis

Terrestrial plants

Lot 1005-4
Juvi Lepidiolamprologous nkambae

Cichlids - Rift Lake

Lot 1005-3
Lamprologus onatipinnis 'kigoma'

Cichlids - Rift Lake

Lot 1005-2
Juvi Albino Usisya Flavescent peacock ci

Cichlids - Rift Lake

Lot 1005-1
Albino Congo Tetras

Characins - Tetras, Pencilfish, Hatchetfish

Lot 35-12
Demasoni Cichlid

Cichlids - Old World

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