The SCAS Tropical Splash! auction

An in-person auction, created by SCAS
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Lot 16-21
16-21 Frontsoa

Cichlids - Rift Lake

Lot 16-20
16-20 Frontosa

Cichlids - Rift Lake

Lot 16-19
16-19. Frontosa

Cichlids - Rift Lake

Lot 16-18
16-18. Yellow Rabbit snails

Snails and other inverts

Lot 16-17
16-17. Assassin snails qty 8

Snails and other inverts

Lot 16-16
16-16. Elegant corys


Lot 16-15
16-15. Clown Loaches-3


Lot 16-14
16-14. pea Puffers qty 5

Misc and oddball fish

Lot 16-13
16-13. pygmy corys qty 5


Lot 16-12
16-12 male German blue ram

Cichlids - South American

Lot 16-11
16-11. Long fin Lemon blue eye BN Plecos


Lot 16-10
16-10. Long fin Albino BN Plecos qty3


Lot 16-9
16-9 Adult Brichardi qty 5

Cichlids - Rift Lake

Lot 16-8
16-8 Hi-Fin Swordtails trio


Lot 16-7
16-7 pair of Neon swordtails


Lot 16-6
16-6. Montezuma Swordtails 1 pair


Lot 16-5
16-5. Self cloning crawfish qty -3

Snails and other inverts

Lot 16-4
16-4 N Class Endlers red chest top yello


Lot 16-3
16-3 Red Dragon guppies award winning li


Lot 16-2
16-2-----5 Black Kuhli loaches breeder s


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