The SCAS Tropical Splash! auction

An in-person auction, created by SCAS
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Lot 35-10
Neolamprologus leleupi

Cichlids - Old World

Lot 35-9
Black Corydora Schultzei


Lot 35-8
Black Neon Tetra

Characins - Tetras, Pencilfish, Hatchetfish

Lot 35-7
Bronze Corydora


Lot 35-6
Neolamprologus similis

Cichlids - Old World

Lot 35-5
Turkana Jewel Cichlid

Cichlids - Rift Lake

Lot 35-4


Lot 35-3
Furcata Rainbow Trio


Lot 35-2
Millennium Rainbowfish Pair


Lot 35-1
Platinum Angel Male

Cichlids - South American

Lot 78-5
78-5 Ocelot Sword Medium

Aquatic plants

Lot 78-4
78-4 Ocelot Sword- medium

Aquatic plants

Lot 78-3
78-3 Hornwort

Aquatic plants

Lot 78-2
78-2 Hornwort

Aquatic plants

Lot 78-1
78-1 Juvenile Platinum Parrot

Cichlids - South American

Lot 16-25
16-25. Otto cats qty 5

Other Catfish

Lot 16-24
16-24. Otto cats qty 5

Other Catfish

Lot 16-23
16-23 red fin leporinus rare qty 3

Misc and oddball fish

Lot 16-22
16-22 Berlin swordtails reverse Trio


Lot 16-21
16-21 Frontsoa

Cichlids - Rift Lake

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