The South Coast Tropical Fish Society's Third Annual Fall Auction

An in-person auction, created by sctfs
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View The South Coast Tropical Fish Society's Third Annual Fall Auction rules
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Lot 32-3
Brown ancistrus

Other Catfish

Lot 32-2
Albino Corydoras aeneus


Lot 32-1
Black Venezuelan Corydoras schultzei


Lot 809-10
20gl pond tank painted back black

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 745-1
Male Axolotl


Lot 809-9
Reef salt good for coral

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 600-7
emerald cories


Lot 600-6
Bronze Cories


Lot 600-5
Male Veiltail Betta

Bettas and labyrinth fish

Lot 600-4
Blue Tiger Parrot


Lot 600-3
Platinum Parrot

Cichlids - South American

Lot 600-2
Juvenile Koi Angels

Cichlids - South American

Lot 600-1
Yellow Labs

Cichlids - Rift Lake

Lot 193-10
Dragon Blood Peacock

Cichlids - Rift Lake

Lot 193-9
Half black red guppies


Lot 303-2

Cichlids - South American

Lot 59-5
Double-Airline Siphoning Scraper3

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 59-4
Double-Airline Siphoning Scraper2

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 59-3
Double-Airline Siphoning Scraper1

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

Lot 303-1

Cichlids - South American

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