All lots from Ray-Aquatics

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The SCAS auction July 2024
Lot 44-5
44-5 Orange Neo Shrimp


The SCAS auction July 2024
Lot 44-4
44-4 Red neocardenia shrimp


The SCAS auction July 2024
Lot 44-3
44-3 Trio Hunter Green Guppies


The SCAS auction July 2024
Lot 44-2
44-2 Trio Giradinus Metallicus


The SCAS auction July 2024
Lot 44-1
44-1 4 Red Venezuelan Sailfin corys


The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-17

Cichlids - South American

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-16
44-16 10 Red Neo. Shrimp


The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-15
44-15 Yokihi Madaka Rice Fish


The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-14
44-14 3 Platinum Anglefish

Cichlids - South American

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-13
44-13 3 Platinum Anglefish

Cichlids - South American

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-12
44-12 Pair of German Blue Rams

Cichlids - South American

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-11
44-11 Trio Chaipa Mexican Swordtails


The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-10
44-10 Three Koi Angelfish

Cichlids - South American

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-9
44-9 Three Koi Angelfish

Cichlids - South American

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-8
44-8 Pair Polar Blue Convict Cichlids

Cichlids - Central American

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-7
44-7 Three Red Turkana Jewells

Cichlids - Old World

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-6
44-6 Pair Rainbow Kribensis

Cichlids - Old World

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-5
44-5 Trio Orange Swordtails


The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-4
44-4 6 Albino Corydoras


The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 44-3
44-3 5 Red Flame Tetras

Characins - Tetras, Pencilfish, Hatchetfish

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