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The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-20
Corydoras aeneus (4)

$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-19
40 Gallon Breeder

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.
$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-18
40+ Org Springtails (Yuukianura Aphoru)

$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-17
10 - Aquatic/Freshwater Isopods

Snails and other inverts
$5 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-16
Microworm Starter Kit

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.
$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-15
F1 - Pelvicachromis Drachenfelsi (Pair)

Cichlids - Old World
$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-14
Panda corydoras (4)

$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-13
40+ Org Springtails (Yuukianura Aphoru)

$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-12
Magenta Mystery Snail

Snails and other inverts
$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-11
Albino Bristlenose Pleco

$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-10
Super Red Bristlenose Pleco

$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-9
Aphyosemion Bivittatum "funge" 1M 1F

$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-7
6 - Red Neocardinia Shrimp

$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-5
10 - Aquatic/Freshwater Isopods

Snails and other inverts
$5 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-4
Pair - F. sjostedti (Dwarf Red)

$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-3
6 - Blue Neocaridina Shrimp

$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-2
Elassoma Gilberti (Pair)

Misc and oddball fish
$2 No bids

The ACM November Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-1
1M 1F- Fundulopanchax Gardneri (Yellow)

$2 No bids

The ACM September Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-23
Neocaridina Shrimp Culls


$4 80

The ACM September Meeting auction
Lot 63-B-22
Celestial Pearl Danio breeders (2f 2m)


Cyprinids - Barbs, Danios, Rasboras
$6 88

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