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The SCAS auction July 2024
Lot 42-3
Moina sp. colony starter kit

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

The SCAS auction July 2024
Lot 42-2
Daphnia magna colony starter kit

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

The SCAS auction July 2024
Lot 42-1
Daphnia magna colony starter kit

Hardware - Filters, tanks, substrate, etc.

The SCAS Monthly Auction June 2024
Lot 42-7
Hygroryza aristata

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Monthly Auction June 2024
Lot 42-6
Hygroryza aristata

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Monthly Auction June 2024
Lot 42-5
Red Root Floater

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Monthly Auction June 2024
Lot 42-4
Tiger Frogbit

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Monthly Auction June 2024
Lot 42-3
Tiger Frogbit

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Monthly Auction June 2024
Lot 42-2
Variegated Water Wisteria

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Monthly Auction June 2024
Lot 42-1
Variegated Water Wisteria

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 42-9
Variegated Brazilian Pennywort

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 42-8
Ludwigia plaustris 'super red'

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 42-7
Tiger Frogbit

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 42-6
Creeping Jenny (Submerged Grown)

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 42-5
Parrot’s Feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 42-4
Myriophyllum mattogrossense

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 42-3
Hydrocotyle tripartita ‘japan

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 42-2
Hydrocotyle tripartita ‘japan’

Aquatic plants

The SCAS Auction April 2024
Lot 42-1
Bacopa Monnieri

Aquatic plants

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