40+ Org Springtails (Yuukianura Aphoru)

None, lot number 63-B-10
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A sizable culture of bright orange springtails on charcoal. They are extremely easy to culture and a great live food for top dwelling fish. My rice fish and killifish eat them with great enthusiasm. They are hydrophobic and float on top of the water. If you have any floating plants they may last on them for awhile while the fish find ways to knock them off. Great for a little bit of enrichment. They require high humidity so if one or two escape they will likely desiccate.

Just keep a little water at the bottom, add almost any kind of food you'd like, and thats about it. Only thing to watch out for is to avoid overfeeding. Just put a little in at a time until you get a feel for how much they can handle.

More information from google.com

Seller:nicolas (All lots from nicolas)
Minimum bid: $2
Ends:Ends when sold
Views:2 views
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