6 - Pelvicachromis Sacrimontis Juveniles

Cichlids - Old World, lot number 63-B-5
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A group of Pelvicachromis Sacrimontis that are around 3 months old and starting to color up nicely.

Pelvicachromis Sacrimontis, or the "giant krib," is similar to Pelvicachromis Pulcher in behavior but differs in size and coloration. So they are also fantastic parent's and great to watch raise their fry.

They come in three main color morphs, and I believe that I have the green one. However, you'll see that they have a lot of color variation in their offspring.

The males display long fin extensions with a bright white outline and that classic red belly with striking bright cheeks.

Some of the females (including one in this group) have a fantastic dark black body with that red belly and striking turquoise cheeks with a white line across the body witch is quite attractive. I have an adult female in another pair and can confirm that they maintain this coloration even when not actively spawning or showing aggression.

I mentioned this because they vary color by mood greatly. You'll be surprised at the pattern and color changes they display in different settings.

When spawning they will show aggression in driving fish away from their territory, but I have found they rarely do any serious damage, and I find they sometimes benefit as a pairs in the future by having something to chase off together to strengthen their bond. They are well paired with fish that spend most of their time in the mid/top water column, although I have kept them with other bottom-feeding fish (avoiding long finned ones so things like corys). In my experience them + something fundulopanchax gardneri is a great combo. I have also kept them with CPDs and some other smaller fish, and they do well with those.

They are one of the few fish I keep that I can say will absolutely decimate shrimp, though!

Note: One of the fish in this group has sustained a little damage to one of their eyes; probably from bumping into the glass or something similar. They are eating and behaving normally and otherwise in good health-- eager for a good home!

Photos were taken on the morning of 3/20/24 by myself and are of the fish you will be receiving (not counting photos of the parents, of course). Edited brightness for clarity.

Check back in a little bit I will add a better photo of the male/ the adult pair. They have a group of fry right now and were hiding out while I was taking pictures.

*There are males and females in this group

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Seller:nicolas (All lots from nicolas)
Winner: $10 mrkillie
Ends:March 21, 2024, 7 p.m.Ended
Location:Festival park
Views:15 views, 3 watching
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